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Congratulations CrickeeRaven, you anonymous coward of a critic.

You now have the distinction of making the most slanderous comments without even one honest sentence or phrase in them. It is 100% deceitful bull. Not a truthful part in it, other than "who was endorsed by the Democratic party in 2016".

I especially got a kick out of the part that says "instead of actually putting in his own effort". As you know I campaigned for 700 days in a row and spent over $40,000 of my own money". Do you know of ANY Warwick candidate that EVER that put in ANYWHERE NEAR that kind of effort?

That's right Mark. You don't. You lied again, while hiding behind a fake name...again.

Fake news. Fake sources. Fake people. Fake names.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: All candidates, voters welcome at 'sign-in' party

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