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I think it is just ludicrous that the Warwick Watch woman, surely the “investigator" who does not hide the fact that she is out to get the Warwick Fire Dept., is going after our local heros. That's what they are, heros. How many of you are willing to run into a burning house to save you, your child or even your cat or dog? If you were, you'd be a firefighter. Who cares is they switch shifts as long as they have full shifts working round the clock. She wants to screw up a lifesaving entity. She should move to another state.

The amount of crookedness in this state government and this idiot wants to complain about money FIREFIGHTERS make. You know, fires, traffic accidents, shootings, murders, bomb threats, chemical attacks, heart attacks, drug,overdoses. Those are only some of the battles firefighters take on. And they even can suffer from PTSD, from seeing the horrors inflicted on a little local girl by a drunk driver, for example.

Why not go after C---i Construction and question why that pave a road, dig it up, pave it again, dig it up, pave it and then come back to fix all the potholes due to their cheap work. Now there's a huge stealing money.

Leave the Warwick Firefighters alone because if my house catches fire I want them here putting it and out not letting it burn down so that it gives the Warwick Witch something to write about.

From: Firefighters' shift swapping comes under fire

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