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"They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He hasn't. His father is a class act and Joe Jr is the next generation. I have listened to him agree with those in the State House and I have heard him disagree. In both cases it was with the same level of "total respect".

I support this great young man, and I recommend that the reader does as well."

-Richard Corrente (September 1st 2016)

More political double speak from the fake mayors failing campaign. Anything to avoid giving specifics on his "plans" that will bankrupt our city. Anything to avoid talking about his home being forclosed on because he knows how embarrassing it is for a "mortgage guy" to lose his own home to foreclosure. He doesn't want to talk about his tax delinquencies, or the cost of ANY of his plans. He'll tell you "new home buyers" will pay for these things, but thousands of taxpayers will not be moving to Warwick day 1. So who will cover the cost? Taxpayers.

Lastly he says he'll cut taxes. Except for beach fees which he wants to raise on EVERY WARWICK RESIDENT who drives a vehicle. Does that sound like someone looking out for taxpayers? It doesn't. Keep trying Rick, I'm sure there's a few voters left who don't know how big of a fraud you are.

From: Solomon turns to treasurer to present Avedisian's $310.6 million budget

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