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Here is a simple question..."If Cote is 100% wrong about his facts and figures and 1105 out of 1105 slots were being filled by "floaters", then why is the OVERTIME so out of control?" With the addition of staff, why is the OT still out of control? The chief's testimony is unambiguous and clearly stated, on tape at that hearing. Why is all of this important? Because Cote is not lying and we are now talking about massive financial fraud. If so much as one penny of federal money is involved in any of this, it belongs before a federal grand jury, not in the hands of that incompetent, Kilmartin...We do have an honorable service clause within our Charter that addresses this issue should there be indictments and convictions. Liars figure, but in this case, the figures don't appear to lie.

From: Fire Dept. critics call for 24-hour shifts

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