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You make some very astute observations, Kammy. On the bond issue, there's an agreement in place that the school department has to honor, so as little as Mr. Nadeau may like it, he's bound by it as a member of the school committee.

I also agree that the city has sufficient reserves, both in the $9.5 million surplus in the current year budget and in the $25 million in cumulative reserves, to cover at least a significant portion of the FY19 school budget proposal without having to raise taxes.

It is also interesting to note, in light of another round of consolidation, that the school committee ensured that the current contract allows it to waive the 20-layoff limit if schools are going to be closed. Since Mr. Ferrucci's estimates are based on staffing levels staying the same, it's possible that some savings may be found through consolidating the elementary schools.

The full contract is attached to this article, posted this morning:

From: Schools to ask for $6.9 million from city in revised budget

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