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Talk to your Council person. I have spoken to every one of them. Ask them how the $25,000,000 bond of 2006 went. I have. Ask them if there are any safeguards in this present plan to make the money spent more efficiently this time. I have. The 2006 bond cost the taxpayers a fortune and the money raised was controlled by the Mayor and the School Committee. Over the next ten years there was a constant debate over the way the money was to be spent and the taxpayers ended up paying much more than was necessary, while, at the same time, the money was the subject of a constant political debate.

Almost ten years ago Massachusetts passed a law that said any public project over $3,000,000 MUST have a independent third party overseeing all payments of the project. Mass. calls it a "clerk-of-the-works". Warwick needs to copy this good idea. $40 million is way too much money to be mismanaged.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers mayor

From: Schools identify top needs for $40 million bond

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