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In 2006 the City Council approved a $25 million dollar bond similar to the $40 million dollar bond being asked for today. No money was released by the Mayor until 4 or 5 years went by and that money was supposed to go for fire alarms, safety doors, cameras etc. Did that happen or was the money used for political reasons? Also, the payments for repairs to buildings owned-by-the-City were charged to the schools. Can anyone explain why? Does ANY tenant ever get charged for the Visa card of the landlord?

Now we have history trying to repeat itself. We ALL agree that repairs are desperately needed. If we were in Massachusetts, Warwick would be required by state law to hire a "clerk-of-the-works". That is an independent person hired to monitor every dollar spent! He/she doesn't work for or report to the School Committee. He/she doesn't work for or report to the Mayor. He/she works for the taxpayers because it would be the taxpayers money he/she would be authorizing. Any Massachusetts project over $1.5 million REQUIRES a "clerk-of-the-works" also known as an "Owners Project Manager". If this $40 million dollar bond request had an independent "clerk-of-the-works" clause, I would support it. I would recommend it to the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. For years I have been calling for an independent audit of the School Committee. This idea would provide that same kind of monthly supervision, at least for this project. Plus, the School Committee wouldn't have to hear me complain about it.

If that sounds like a win-win situation; if the intent of this bond request truly is for the betterment of our schools, then someone please suggest it. I will keep my word and support it fully. You can hold me to it and I'm sure you will.

Thank you.

Happy Valentines everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Council displayed good vigilance, now make the right decision

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