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Hello again Kammy:

As I've noted before, it really would take an opponent very little effort to find the long list of misleading and outright false claims made by the fake "mayor" on this site and compile them into a website, campaign mailer, or some other form where it could be distributed to potential voters.

It's honestly shocking that anyone would so willingly, repeatedly make comments that are not only so easily debunked, but so forcefully defend them when they are proven wrong -- and still consider themselves a viable candidate. Among the many, many flaws that other commenters and I have pointed out about the fake "mayor," possibly the worst is how he challenges others to offer ideas about running the city as he's done in this comment thread.

After his ideas have been rightly criticized, he's asking other people to come up with better ones -- instead of doing that work himself. It really seems that he thinks 10% of the work is creating talking points and 90% is repeating them.

Glad that this thread could provide some entertainment, by the way. I agree, if the fake "mayor" has the guts to file for candidacy again next year, campaign season should be a popcorn-worthy experience.

From: Ragosta, Avedisian reflect on tentative agreement

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