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Richard Correntee

Your evasion to the points I made are incredible. Ms. Ahern has done more for the city than you after could ever imagine. For you to call her a "liar" is so laughable. You lied to me when I questioned the false accusations you spread about me...remember I called you and promised a defamation suit if you didn't stop....but yet you denied you said it. That speaks volumes to your mishandling of the truth.

The tax issue has to do with your house taxes. The fact is the captain has numerous times documented your nonpayment. I would also recommend to all interested to go to the RI judiciary website....type in your name...and decide for themselves your payment or lack thereof of financial obligations. How could anyone who dosen't live up to their financial obligations be qualified to run for office?

If you ever listened at city council budget hearings you would hear my recommendations for cutting expenditures. The difference between you and i is I've been consistent but you sold your principles for your political gains.

By the way Richard I'm still waiting for you to appear once before the city council and make any argument for or against an proposal. Why haven't you done that ever?

Don't remember ever you being at the statehouse calling for open meeting reform, sewer legislation, pension reform etc.? You spend your time Richard kissing up to the people responsible for Warwick's fiscal mess.

From: Ragosta, Avedisian reflect on tentative agreement

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