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Dear Reality, AKA Roger Durant,

I spoke to Attorney Vincent Ragosta and quoted in the Warwick Beacon the information he gave me. How else would I have known who the court stenographer was that wrote the 600+ pages of that report? Please re-read it. As far as calling Jennifer Ahearn a liar, she is! She repeatedly said that the report was "all verbal". After I confirmed with Attorney Ragosta that 600 pages of a written deposition is NOT VERBAL, she wisely resigned.

As far as my registration, I have ALWAYS registered and insured my car. Check with the registry of motor vehicles 401-462-4368. Check with Butler and Messier insurance.401-728-3200. Check with the Warwick Tax Collector. Since I bought it in 2007, my car has always been properly registered and all taxes have always been paid. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to register it the following year. Call Chris Celeste or Kyla Jones at the Warwick Tax Collectors office 401-738-2002. Anyone who says I didn't pay my taxes is lying. I seriously doubt that "We are all still waiting to hear". It's just you and Cote and the only reason you're doing it is to cause damage. Instead of accomplishing some good of your own, you try to damage the good that others have provided. Sad that neither of you have ever suggested a solution, an idea, or anything positive to make Warwick a better place. All either of you have ever done is criticize those of us who have.

Roger, here is a challenge for you. Come up with one improvement for the City of Warwick and the 80,000 taxpayers that are paying the tab. Just one "better idea". I would respect you if you do. You have spent a ton of time and energy condemning my many ideas. Let's hear just one of yours. If not...

Happy Autumn Roger.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Ragosta, Avedisian reflect on tentative agreement

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