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Richard Corrente

It's amazing you call out Ragosta for praise....he is the same person you quoted when you inappropriately called former school committee Ms. Ahern a "liar". The captain this past week published the Ragosta article in the Beacon where he stated he never said what you said he did. As someone who also accused by you of doing things which I had no part of....even when I called you you denied it in spite of the impeccable credentials of the people who told me what you not surprising of your outrageous accusations.

Richard...people would love to hear your conversation with the captain complaining about the workers in tax office taking coffee breaks all the time but again you would just deny you said it. How about your demeaning comments on your new found saints on the city council.

We are all still waiting for you to answer the captain's allegations of non-payment of city taxes.

You have no right to speak on any contracts if you don't pay your fair share.

From: Ragosta, Avedisian reflect on tentative agreement

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