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First off congrats to Bg for discovering what decorum is, it's nice to see him get off of his profanity laced tirades. You did not make yourself, your argument, nor the WTU look good in the way you attempted to make your points.

I'm not a supporter of the stance or tactics the WTU took in their years long conflict with the school committee but can we stop with the foolish argument the TheCaptain and others make about Warwick teachers being "over paid" or "among the highest paid in the country" please? It's irrelevant. Why is it irrelevant? Because cops, janitors, dentists, plumbers, dog walkers and the guy making your fires at Mickey D's are all "highly paid" on the national scale because the cost of living in RI is so high. When comparing real dollars -actual buying power- the facts tell a different story.

Fact, Rhode Island teachers are the 7th highest paid teachers on average in the nation by actual compensation.

Fact, when adjusted for cost of living, Rhode Island teachers rank 21st in the nation in actual buying power, real dollars.

In economic terms, RI teachers - including Warwick - are paid roughly the national average, slightly higher at best. So let's stop this foolish and inaccurate narrative because, well, it's foolish and inaccurate.

If you want to criticize someone, at least have your facts right.

From: Ragosta, Avedisian reflect on tentative agreement

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