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Per reports - which at this point are speculation more than factual material - there is no retro pay for the first year, only the second. Honestly, in a government agency, annual raises need to be built into the contract because we all know the government isn't going to willingly give a raise. The list of professions that don't give annual raises is short. You can argue whether they're merited or not all you want.

As for the doctor's note, that is incorrect. Per the expired contract, the committee can request a doctor's note and a random examination by an independent physician. Comparing a teacher to a student is apples to oranges when it comes to repercussions.

And while we're at it, I'm married to a teacher who has been taking her classroom on several field trips every year for the last 2+ years. She has put significantly more effort than "just showing up". What social activities do you expect from them? You want them to take your kid to the movies after school? That's your job as a parent. Maybe you've been failing your child more than the school system?

From: Ragosta, Avedisian reflect on tentative agreement

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