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It must say it has become amusing reading this blog. I'm amazed that the new criteria for commenting on the latest fire contract is run for office. There are many things I disagree with that Pres. Trump does but I guess I can't have an opinion because I don't run for the Presidency. Get my point.... the 1st amendment allows freedom of speech. Something Mr. Llloyd of the WFD forgot when he urged CVS to fire an employee because that citizen had the nerve on his own time to make a presentation to the City Council regarding the sustainability of Warwick's pension plans.The WFD will always attack the messenger but they never refute the message.

Take the case of Mr. Cote. He presents his facts with copious documentation but the facts are never answered by the WFD but the personal attacks are numerous. I sure Mr. Cote doesn't do this investigation for personal gain but rather like us alll he's tried of the continual Avedisian tax increases.

I can understand why the WFD is frustrated....they are use to their rubber stamp aka vella-wilkinson as finance chair. There wasn't anything she won't do to buy their vote.

Considering the WFD rep keeps talking about elections....might I suggest going forward let's put their labor contracts on the ballot completed vetted so the taxpayers can see their true cost. I think they would be amazed

From: Council 'hoses' fire truck deal

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