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Dear Justanidiot,

Rest assured old friend, I am on it, but the Airport Authority won't even meet with the "Friends Of Warwick Ponds" of which I am a proud member, to talk about how they can become a better neighbor and I agree with you that the Mayor seems to have a hidden "non-agenda", that RISchadenfreude calls "unfortunate and counterintuitive". He calls it "Boondoggle". Couldn't agree with him more.

As far as the teacher-contract issue, please read my comments on the "Toll Gate Filled as Dozens Vent to the School Committee" story. I am cautiously optimistic. Both sides appear to be "talking". That's an important step. They need to be encouraged at this point I believe. What's your opinion?


From: Four airlines get $3.375M to promote 16 new routes

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