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From the recent article of Best-Worst Run Cities: While Warwick scored very well in safety, poverty, economy (11th) and the overall score – being one of only two New England cities, alongside Nashua, NH, to be listed in the top 25 – it did not perform well in all categories. Warwick was ranked 63rd in education, 98th in health, 95th for infrastructure and pollution and bottomed out at 110th in financial stability [as factor relating to community debt and bond rating].

Warwick is ranked 63rd in education. We have a lot of room for improvement in this city. As stated numerous times before, there needs to be an overall spirit of compromise when it comes to the negotiations and compromise is lost when you take away incentive. That is what I believe the bill would have taken away - incentive to reach an equitable deal. This has gone on too long with each side digging in further and further. There are no winners, only losers. I will continue to hope that we see an end to this soon. The citizens of Warwick deserve that much.

From: Puts into law decades of past practice

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