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Thank you again, Thecaptain, for your continued vigilance and publication of information about the losing candidate that sheds so much light on his true character, beyond the behavior he so readily exhibits.

Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that the failed, losing candidate is oblivious to the amount of publicly-available information about him? By his continued silence on so many of the issues you have raised, it is possible that he might never have thought that any of this information would be made public. Consider the way he attacked the winning incumbent mayor over property valuation and taxes, leading to my review of publicly-available tax assessor data that proved he does not pay taxes on the property he claims as his residence on his voter registration. [In fact he has not owned the property since 2012 according to the tax assessor's database, meaning he has potentially avoided tax payments for five years].

Like Scal1024, I am glad that we can agree on the losing candidate's complete and utter unfitness for office, which I am sure he will continue to prove by using these comment boards as his personal echo chamber and refusing to answer for his proven lies.

Thank you for your work in continuing to expose the failed candidate to me and the thousands of responsible taxpaying residents of Warwick.

From: Mayor won't veto no tax increase budget

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