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Corrente, you are not a mayor. YOU LOST THE ELECTION. Little children play pretend. A grown man should not.


1. You are not a Mayor.

2. You were not elected to any official office.

3. You are not the "The Taxpayers Mayor" (See 1 and 2 for reference.)

4. You are not my mayor. (See 1, 2 and 3 for reference.) I didn't vote for you because I didn't believe you could get the job done. You lacked experience and any factual basis for your arguments. All talking points, no substance.

Finally, if you were really serious about being mayor of this city then you would be joining groups and heading up organizations that help out the citizens in Warwick. Your face would be all over town and people would recognize you as the someone who ran for office. Using these years to the best of your ability by digging in, getting your hands dirty and speaking to potential constituents. You would be making news, not commenting on news.

From: Mayor won't veto no tax increase budget

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