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Rick, I'm not sure which you know the least about: paying taxes, budgets or winning elections. Its all one big pile of cluelessness hiding behind old "Corrente for Mayor signs". Nobody was afraid of you, your 33% minority or your empty cut taxes/spending rhetoric.

The truth is 700 days, OVER $30,000 spent and you managed the same terrible 33% just about every other candidate has recieved. The only difference is you had more time AND resources than most of the other candidates. That is what we call in the business a FAILURE.

You were a lazy candidate who thought you could talk your way out of anything. That was clear in your debate where you embarrasingly couldn't name one line item in the budget to cut. Go read up on city government, taxes and spending and maybe you will be taken serious next time. Until then, have a little pride because you really are embarrasing yourself with each and every comment.

From: Mayor won't veto no tax increase budget

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