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House Speaker Nick Mattiello is a don't tax - don't spend Democrat, much like John F. Kennedy who introduced the Income Tax Reduction Act in the early 60's.

Mattiello reduced R.I.'s corporate tax by about 20% to the lowest in the Northeast. He lowered the estate tax. He lowered employment insurance taxes. He eliminated sales tax on utility bills. He reduced the minimum corporate tax, and now he is committed to eliminating one of the most unfair taxes ever imposed, the car tax.

I testified several times in Warwick as well as the State house how unfair this tax is, especially on our seniors, some of which were paying almost as much in car taxes as their car was worth. I applaud him in his efforts. We should all call our State Representatives and State Senators. We should all support Speaker Mattiello.

Well done Mr. Speaker. You are right when you say "This is about the people of Rhode Island".

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: Car tax relief sooner or later, vows Mattiello

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